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5 Important Visual Design Methods to Focus in 2016

Visual design has become a big online marketing trend since 2015.  According to internet marketing experts inserting a visual in a tweet helps to increase user engagement, just like a blog post complimented with interesting visuals attracts more users.

How the visual marketing will shape up in 2016? Here are 5 expected guesses by Medialinkers web designers and marketers to get started in 2016:

1.  Micro Social Media Visual Content

Marketers and users do not have time to watch long hour videos or read lengthy blog posts. Social media visual content also known as micro visual content is a good solution for countering this problem. It uses emojis and animated Gifs to connect and interact with users. Emojis has become an international marketing language. Start implementing emojis and Gifs to breathe a fresh life in to your online marketing strategy today.

2.  Presentations & Infographics

Many marketing experts spend a great deal of time and resources to create presentations and infographics. This is because, not only these methods are an excellent means to building quality links, but are also equally effective for driving traffic to a site. It doesn’t matter how long your infographic or slides are; if they are informative, people will always invest time in reading them. As a thumb rule, focus on creating quality content instead of focusing on quantity in the form of infographics and Slideshare presentations to get more traffic.

3.  Curate Visual Content

Curating written or visual content is not a new concept but works really well. Google+ is actively used by marketing experts to curate content; however, it’s not the only platform available today. There is Pinterest, Youtube, Flipboard and Slideshare, where you can effectively curate content. Always credit the content owners when curating their content. Soon, you will see other people connecting, following and curating your content to your benefit. In addition, it is also a great way to build a brand since you don’t have to consume countless hours into development of fresh content every time you need to share an update.

4.  Repurpose Visual Content

Since, all the social platforms have different type of audience, instead of posting the same content across multiple audiences; repurpose it to suit their likes and needs. For example, an infographic published on a blog drives a lot of views, and works great on Pinterest as well. However, you can’t expect it to do equally well on Slideshare, as it is a presentation sharing site. You can instead design a slide based on that infographic and post it there to gain user attention. In short, you need to understand your audience and the type of content that works across different platforms before publishing and sharing it. Repurposing your content is a key to building an active following across all the main social platforms.

5.  Live Videos

Videos have always been a leading component of any online marketing strategy. But in 2015 the concept reached a new level with networks such as Meerkat, Periscope and Facebook (with introduction of Facebook Live) allowed users to stream videos live for the first time. This means, YouTube is no longer the only major video sharing network today, as promoting products/services through live videos is an effective way to reach out to an audience.

Just like other marketing strategies, you require an active plan and strategy to make visual content work for your online marketing strategy in 2016. You can always hire expert Web Designers From Medialinkers to create interesting visuals for your marketing campaign.