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6 Content Marketing Tips for Your WordPress Website

Digital marketing by Medialinkers

Every marketer is looking for ways to promote a website, increasing its conversion rate and bringing quality traffic to it. For doing so, a lot of marketers have turned to using WordPress, a popular and easily manageable content management system. Publishing content with WordPress is really simple. Gone are the days when it was just considered for running company blogs. Today all the different type of corporate and social networking sites are powered by WordPress.

There are simple tricks and methods which you can implement to enhance your marketing campaigns using WordPress. The 6 WordPress marketing tips are as follow:

  1. Go Responsive

Theme selection is a great challenge for a lot of webmasters due to a large availability of WordPress themes. However, consider the responsive themes only to narrow down your selection. A responsive theme has the ability to automatically adjust its layout across the different device screens. Reportedly, people access sites more through mobiles than the desktop PCs. Google also released a special update “mobilegeddeon” last year to support responsive themes over the ordinary desktop ones.

Furthermore, you can also filter your theme selection by considering only the niche based themes. For example, if your niche is health and food, consider theme selection from the health and cooking niche instead of going into a general category. These themes will be more suitable to your business theme.

Look for additional features such as landing pages, portfolios, opt-in forms, testimonial pages and more. After the theme selection, familiarize yourself with the administrative panel options to use all its available features.

The flexible niche based themes come preinstalled with a variety of designs and layouts. This gives you an advantage of switching from one particular theme to another. You can also hire a company like Medialinkers for designing a custom WordPress theme.

  1. Select Themes that Supports Profitable Marketing Campaigns

In addition to the points mentioned above, follow your sixth sense to pick the right business theme. However, you can also look for the following tips to make the WordPress theme selection process easy:

  • Allow Parallax Effects, Video Backgrounds and Flash Animations
  • Clean HTML 5 & CSS3
  • SEO Optimized
  • Includes eCommerce Support
  • Offers Contact Form and Opt-in features
  • Navigation Menus
  • Preset layout styles for testimonial, portfolio, about us and team pages.
  • Install Plugins for Enhanced Site Functionality

A Large number of plugin availability is the reason why WordPress dominates over all the other content. However, just like themes, not all plugins are coded equally. Always select the best WordPress Plugins to enhance your marketing camping. You can also read a list of WordPress plugin for marketing to make a right selection.

  1. Syndicate Your Content for an Increased Outreach

Even though content syndication raises duplicate content issues if done the wrong way, it is equally lucrative if done the right way. Always use reputable news websites for content syndication and fill the appropriate Meta tags to avoid duplicate content issues by the search engines. You can further research on content syndication to do it the right way.

  1. Track Results & Revisit Content Strategy

Use Google Analytics for analyzing site traffic to know about user traffic and behavior on your site. You can also determine a particular post time by checking a sudden surge of traffic at one point. This is extremely important if you are targeting the local market. Familiarize yourself with Google Analytics to get a complete picture of what goes on behind your web pages.

  1. Connect with Social Media

Without social sharing, your marketing campaign is next to nothing. All the big brands incorporate the popular social networking channels for an enhanced outreach of their services and products. You can do the same. A number of social sharing plugins are available to embed social sharing of content with the relevant audience.

Be active and engage with people over social media. Look for the trending topics and try to use them in your post for attracting more traffic and clicks. Use Google Trends or Twitter trends for observing the current trends. Keep following relevant people to increase your following. Within a few weeks, you will start seeing the benefits of social sharing to your content marketing campaign.

  1. Keep Your Site Clean

Don’t overcrowd your site with the fancy features WordPress offers. It’s the simple sites that beat the complex ones, most of the times. So make sure you use only the relevant widgets and sections on your site to present useful information to your users in a clean and simple way.