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8 Tips to Using HD Pictures in a Website

HD pictures

Pictures on a site shape up a brand’s entire identity. Being sight based creatures, the visual data is better than the other methods of input, explaining the emphasis on pictures in website design instead of block of text. Given below are 7 best strategies to take benefits from using pictures in a websites interface, presented by Medialinkers web design agency.

  1. Hero Images

Large or full screen images help in capturing user attention the full screen images combined with text and navigation options are a great way to provide a good user experience.  Site, with oversized images and sans-serif typography gives a unique look and feel. HD pictures with catchy headlines helps in drawing a lot of user attention.

When using Typography, you need to put your text briefly on the images. It also has to compete against a stimulating visual with a strong typeface, and treatment always helps in this regard.  Try out different treatments and typefaces. Keep the photograph’s flow natural when positioning the text over it. This may seem like a logical choice but it will have a negative impact on pictures.

  1. Reality Objects

Reality objects are popular with retail sites, and are proven to boosting conversion rates. This helps users to imagine how a service or product can fit into their life.  The reality pictures are a simple strategy for food industry with restaurant settings showing the atmosphere, table, drinks and people. This will make food look more interesting and appetizing than the plain food pictures as users can place these in the scene.

Pictures with realistic objects also provide a texture look instead of running the skeumorphic tackiness risk. The technique is good for adding a flat and warmth interface. Add a texture to a background with HD pictures offer a textured appearance.

  1. Black and White Images

Images with a black and white effect create a memorable impact. Black and white images provide an inherent sense of sophistication.  The black and white contrast with colored text helps in drawing users into a picture slider on the home, while drawing and selecting the text at the same time.

  1. Colored Overlays

Colored overlays also have a powerful impact because they differentiate from the user interface elements for example, navigation, and call-to-action and navigation buttons. This technique makes header text visible while making the background presentable at the same time.

Sites such as Knuckles Industries, provide an aesthetically similar black and white effect using colored cast for supporting a unique visual hierarchy. The tinted background picture helps the eye to understand the bold headlines, even more impactful due to the mix of alterations and colors between straightforward and decorative typefaces.


  1. Smaller Custom Images

Most of the time, a full-screen image is a collage of similar images. It will present products with their use cases to add visual intrigue when animating the slider motion. Website such as The Portrait Machine  uses a slider for showcasing the image variety featuring the products. Every image has a different mood and features different people in a snapshot-style. This also serves the practical purpose of explaining the business diversity across different events and ages. This technique is best used with cards UI pattern. This pattern is also growing in popularity due to its effectiveness in mobile screens, responsive design and layouts on screen of multiple small images.

  1. Custom Words and Typography

Nothing is more unique than a custom picture with a custom typography. The exchange is the effort and time. With overcrowded websites, investment can be paid off to create a long-term identity quite hard to copy. Metaverse Mod Squad can also take the custom typography to the next level. All you need to do is to notice the rider and vehicle on the right side with a bullseye logo.

  1. Photo Manipulation

Pictures can be easily modified in software such as Adobe Photoshop to fit according to a brand. A few photo editing features used are:

  • Resize individual elements
  • Colored overlays
  • Deleting and Inserting Objects
  • Picture Effects

Picture editing software also is a medium in itself. Through picture manipulation, you can create amazing picture collage which a single image cannot match. The animation and interactive studio Legwork uses photo manipulation and animation for their portfolio. The images used need to represent your business theme, voice and brand. Shoot a few pictures to get started.

  1. Extra Advice

For more advice and help, contact the Web design Services Kennesaw Company