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Google Confirms a Key Update in its Ranking Algorithm Past Weekend

Google algorethm

Google has finally confirmed that the fluctuation in the website rankings caused over the weekend was an update in the algorithm, instead of the expected Penguin update, which a lot of SEOs and webmasters previously suspected. The news was confirmed by John Mueller, Gary Illyes and Zineb Ait Bahajji through Twitter.


Even though Google doesn’t hold a good reputation for confirming such updates, it has surprised everyone this time.  As the Penguin Real Time Update was delayed by Google and is due to be released sometime this month, a lot of webmasters and SEO put the blame on it for the changes caused over the Weekend.  The core update was in fact Google’s addition of the Panda Update to its core algorithm.


This makes the generation of quality content even more important than it was already! For more news on the core update, stay tuned to Medialinkers blog.